The other night, I was watching a video on the sixties/seventies era revolutionary group the Weatherman. The documentary clearly made an effort to present the violent revolutionaries as the social justice reformers of their day, (and probably in a effort to steer the viewer to vote for the liberal presidential candidate in the upcoming election.)
In the attempt to depict Weatherman leader Bernadette Dohrn and her husband Bill Ayres as true social justice warriors, they kindly omitted Dohrn's remarks at the group's 1969 War Councils where she not only praised Charles Manson and his twisted family, she glorified their grisly deeds, joking about the Manson victims and stupidly raising her fingers in salute to the fact the members of the tribe stabbed the pregnant Tate in the womb with a fork. People who were there said the whole room rose up and returned the salute as Dohrn stated "Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!” I next watched the first two episodes of new series about Charles Manson and Helter Skelter. As they explained the race war that Manson and his followers had tried to start, it dawned on me that what's currently happening on the streets of our cities is the sequel to that era's effort to destroy this country. The language and the terminology is the same and also derived from the same Marxist sources. Tom O'Neill's well researched book CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret history of the Sixties argues that the government was probably responsible not just for the actions of the Manson family but also in channelling public attention to the idea of the Helter Skelter narrative via the magician tricks of CIA brainwasher in chief, Louis Jolly West and Los Angeles District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi. The secret that it took author twenty years to discover was that Louis West and the Government were involved in a program to implant false memories in people by using hypnosis and psychotropic drugs. Dr West was proven to be in the same building, the fabled San Francisco Free Clinic, where Manson met his parole agent. Dr. West is also noted for meeting with Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald's assassin, in his jail cell, violating a federal judge's orders, just prior to Ruby to becoming strangely yet very conveniently incoherent. Coupled with the fact that Manson's parole agent only had one client at a time when the state average was over seventy, and that the said agent engaged in outright legal contortionism and professional incompetence not to revoke Manson's parole certainly makes Manson appear like a candidate of Manchurian descent. James Angleton, the CIA's associate deputy director of counterintelligence at the time, was said to have analyzed hundreds of thousands of lines of text from the prolific and rebellious writers of the counterculture. He also searched for the source of the funding for magazines like Ramparts, which had been a Catholic journal before turning into a trumpet for the resistance. It is said that Angleton was never able to prove convincingly that it was the Communists who were funding the counterculture media, but thought that the fact the Soviet Union or China was never mentioned when the text discussed the true nexus of evil in the world, and instead the United States of America was always identified as being the most vile place on earth suggested that the omission contained more truth than the printed word. Remember all this manufactured hippy dippy perspective on history came out after Mao and his cronies had created the largest man made famine in the history of the world; where it was said that upwards of forty-five million died of starvation and government coercion. In 1989, a Soviet weekly, listed Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's death total as a very conservative twenty million. Yet in the minds of 60s era youth, America was the greatest evil. Go figure. It was such a compelling lie the the political leaders of a certain party still treat it as the gospel, and their minions in the streets of Seattle and Portland, scream it nightly into the faces of an always anxious America without the slightest degree of shame for not truthfully understanding a bit of it or grasping even an iota of the bloody history of the words that engendered the greatest mass murderers in the history of the world. Ironically, this ignorance look like it petered out and largely disappeared mainly because of the media's coverage of the Manson murders and the increasingly obvious fact that the youth of 60s era America, or at least those getting high and casually screwing everything in sight and not bathing afterwards, were never as creative, mature, or well meaning as the pandering Hollywood elites and media portrayed them. In retrospect, they appear to have been just a bunch of naive yet brightly painted puppets dancing and putting on a diverting dramatic play in the middle of war for the future of civilization. We never ever got a definitive answer for any of the world shaking events that plagued our generation, mainly because we were either too mesmerized by the hippies getting high, acting stupid and fucking in the marketplace, or we were ourselves too busy getting high, acting stupid and fucking in the marketplace. Why have we been incapable of filing away the files on Vietnam, the Assassinations and attempted assassinations, the suspicious death of Marilyn Monroe, the actions of the Manson Family, the Warren report, or the MK Ultra project? Why do we still not know for certain who killed Kennedy, who funded the counterculture, and why does the counterculture always seem to align themselves with institutions who actively seek the end of Western Civilization? Even if these things can all be explained by official answers, why is it we still don't believe them? Could it be that, just like today, the people who were officially charged with telling us the truth back then always lied to us about the most important things. Remember the time that Walter Cronkite, the reputed Most Trusted Man in America, lied to us with such passion about the results of the Tet Offensive, telling us we had effectively lost the war immediately after our forces had inflicted a massive military defeat upon the enemy. At the very least, his timing was extremely suspicious. We've known for three years that the Hillary and the DNC paid for the Steele Dossier. We know now that the very people who pushed the narrative of Russian collusion in public, denied under oath that they had any evidence to make that accusation. The mainstream media comes off as the biggest liars in American History and the conservative media comes off looking like a pint-sized chihuahua charged with guarding a chicken ranch. It took me years before I finally managed to cut my hair, put on a normal looking t-shirt, quit smoking dope, and freed myself from own self-inflicted puppet strings. The bad thing is that the youth of today seem a lot more naive. It is clear that these kids demonstrating such monstrous actions in our urban streets are seriously suffering from psychic entropy, a condition resulting from an overload of half-truth and nonsense being stuffed up their asses like a poisonous suppository by the kapos of our current cultural elites. These kids actually seem to know even less than we did despite the fact they all carry around the collective knowledge of the world in their Levi pockets, or maybe it's because that knowledge has been dessicated and fragmented into such tiny, bite-sized, sugar coated pieces that the pieces no longer convey anything near the truth that they would if viewed in the whole. And even worse, the progeny of the puppet masters of the 60s have become so much better at their craft after learning from the mistakes their parents made and diligently practicing for the last 40-50 years that the public is no longer capable of making out the pulling of the strings, and nowadays, their CGI created puppet shills appear so lifelike that, unlike Pinocchio, they have no longer have that problem with their noses, and the only way that we can tell that they are lying is when their lips are moving. |
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