There's a fat guy staring at a box of stamps
in the southeast corner of this tiny piece of paradise whose walls are hung with posters of other people staring at the boxed stamps too He left right after I began writing this Is it okay for me to say the word fat? or is it shaming another person? an innocent person of gathering weight and unknown substance My mother wants to know as she was once fat too as am I and I don't want to shame anyone or to be cruel even in my thoughts I don't want to appear on Post Office walls here or in Dallas or in New York City Especially in New York City The people are so touchy there and derive a certain egotistic pleasure in living in a land paid for in $24 worth of glass by Dutch men who harvested the organs of anemones and sold them to the Indians in exchange for wagon loads of blood and bone, of coagulation and copulation of hair matted with the torn flesh of feeding jackals and two large teeth with dark cavities staring up forlornly from the middle of a blue plastic dish sitting on a red formica counter top and mixed with pomegranate seeds and two grisly earlobes taken from a homeless settler sitting in a huge furrow, a furrow he himself had made with rusty plow hanging from an overlarge Swiss Army knife hung from a six inch belt sporting a yellow plastic happy face glued on as its solitary buckle and the furrow sitting stranger secretly smirked and smiled insidiously every time he sat in traffic on the outside of Topeka and fingered the buckle while thinking of Sally Sally in the alley, Sally my only pally the waitress at the Bluebird who had stuck her thumb in his coffee that very morning as a friend of his wife saw and reported the incident to his pregnant Honey Bunny and the whole bunch of other snickering snot nose instigators sitting in silent shadows not knowing what else to do but knowing that Honey had reached her tipping point six months before because of his unceasing demand for fellatio, at which point he forgot his mother's wishes and got Honey all pregnant and agitated and shit over the simple thumb in the simple coffee The finger in the Coffee incident had so quickly spread through the Sunless Valley of the Sunken Ships so fast in fact that the drunken bums of Denver who lived lost lonely lives of languid leisure of life time stretching loneliness in hidden tunnels carved beneath the snow covered Rockies had heard of the tale and told it over and over, over and over to the stragglers shapeless and unformed and uninformed the bums whispered to the night winds in their nightmares to their night sweats and their night stained underwear. did you hear the story? they mumbled What's that the wind whistled back as it made its way Southward She tested the waters don't you know Not the thumb the birds repeated the missus was bound to find out the winds would hiss she was bound to know The birds rolled their eyes in silence and looked back over their shoulders toward the place the winds had came And the knowledge of the plastic coated belt buckle smirkingly fingered in the gridlock formed in the eyes of the Deans of Columbia and made the rounds so quickly that the New York Times, that faded lady, the old grande dame who sold herself on street corners for pennies and dimes who lost her virginity in a game of Russian Roulette on the upper balcony of a building close to the Gemini printed the news of the coffee thumb tryst on the last pages next to arrivals and departures as the chattering chipmunks and the slithering snakes did their very best to tear apart the phonics and the hidden meanings and rewrote the whole story in baby talk and printed it in blue ink on the back of a playing card and then tore it into pieces which were hidden in the trash cans of a subway tunnel and afterwards swore themselves to secrecy as the Midwest remains suspicious to this day as they have every day since the Pope gave in to the Kings and the Kings began their divine mission of fucking up everything they come in contact with Midas like without the gold and growing tired of all the noise and the hubbub of the fray and afraid of the bitter cut of beckoning blades and gave it over to us, the people who in our infinite wisdom tossed it into the gutter while here I sit staring at the moon behind a neon bluebird wondering if I can use the word fat in a sentence |
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