It's been kind of a disturbing day. I'm new to the twittersphere but have become amazed and worried at just how many vicious dumbasses there are on the platform. And the thought that there are people who actually use it to get some idea of what other people are thinking scares me no end. Heaven help us all.
If God ever stumbles on the site we would be well advised to buy an inflatable raft or two. Strike that; I forgot; it'll be fire next time. we'll need to buy some industrial size fire extinguishers, some hand sanitizer, and plenty of toilet paper. I heard it makes a good fire retardant. I usually don't like talking in public about the Great 21rst Century Brouhaha, or the political mess that we currently find ourselves in because perfectly normal human beings become rabid animals with a casual mention of anything to do with politics. Things escalate fairly quickly and a lifelong friendships are sometimes lost in the time it takes for an average person to prove that he/she is pretty much a complete dumbass (about five seconds for the curious). I would rather keep my friends, as dumb as some of them silly fuckers are, than lose any of them. I love them all and care more about their character and hearts than I do about their politics. They're all on this crazy journey with me, and it seriously makes me sad to lose one to sickness and death and even more so to politics. However, there are a lot of things I don't like that have become a part of our everyday life. It's hard to keep it bottled up inside especially now when so many truly stupid people, who really ain't got a whole lot say, either can't shut-up or are being highly paid to blather. I know that the first amendment is a good thing, make that a great thing, one of the all greatest things the human race has ever come with as a species. But lately, I've come to realize that although it guarantees our right to voice our opinions, too many people think it guarantees that all opinions are equally valid. And I don't want to come off sounding like a dick on this. But if I had a friend who went around saying shit like, "Damn, I used to drink Corona until CNN did a expose on its connection to Wuhan," I'd feel somewhat disloyal if I didn't kick that sumbitch under the table or give him a hard nudge or two with an elbow. Here are some of the things that currently bug me about our world. 1) I don't like the missing middle. It was there up until a few years ago. I believe that there's a need to investigate and find those sumbitches who destroyed it. People used to disagree and still retain friendships. I feel it's desirable to get back to that. 2) It bothers me that politicians get to make all the decisions. They don't seem like a very trustworthy group, most of them seem to have a buttery sheen about them now. 3) I don't like celebrities who hire PR people to tell us how trendy, compassionate and empathetic their clients are. If you want to send some burgers and stuff to first responders, nurse, etc. Just send them. If a photograph of you doing so makes it to the internet, even it from someone who claims to have captured you doing it incognito, it's pretty freaking suspect. And I don't really need to know that you duped 25 million not too bright human beings into thinking you are the greatest thing since rootbeer floats. 4) I don't trust people who bite into a rotten apple and then claim that all apples are rotten. It's even worse when you didn't actually bite the rotten apple but just shared the anecdote for the fifteenth thousand time. I especially don't like people who paint all people with a broad brush because a dumb individual or two did something wrong. We use to call that prejudice, and it was a bad thing. Now, depending on which side of the aisle you are on, it's considered being loyal to your tribe. It wasn't a valid excuse back then, and it's certainly not a valid excuse now. People need to quit paying attention to fools who walk and talk like they accidentally put on their little brother's underwear. 5) I don't like the news media. I used to, but ever since Uncle Walter crossed that line back in the day, most news reporters think that they they're supposed to be virtue signaling Mohandas Gandhis. Then, when they realize how hard that shit is, they try to fake it by spreading untruths about their network's enemies. 6) I really don't trust people who get only their news from the people mentioned above. People who aren't willing to look for the truth shouldn't be too surprised when everyone tells them lies. One day they'll all find themselves living in a world created out of all the lies that they accepted which would be poetic justice of a sorts except for the fact that a lot of us will have to share that world with them. 7) I really don't like most of Hollywood. A bigger bunch of whiney, self-righteous phonies have never existed. The victims of Stalin's Show Trials spoke more a lot more truthfully even though they were being forced at gunpoint to tell lies. Movies stars lie for money then try to act like normal people. You live in the hills, folks. Normal people don't. 8) I don't believe that people who throw footballs, hit baseballs, shoot baskets, or talk about sports are any more essential than my friends and I. I would never think of getting in front of a camera and weighing in on our economic policies or blathering about what wonderful person Xi Jinping is. They shouldn't either. It's bad enough they are making millions throwing footballs, hitting baseballs, shooting baskets, or talking about sports. We used to think that that was just the way that things went, but in these troubled times, I doubt that we should still think that way. Hell, it wasn't right when we thought it was ok. Same thing goes for movie stars, singers, and news anchors too. These are just a few of the things that bug me. For the sake of brevity, I have kept the list very short. I'm still hoping that all this time spent in exile will help us to clarify what is really important and what is not. I'll get back to you later on that point I'm sure. |
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