I've always been somewhat obsessed with places where opposites meet, the interfaces that exist between two things that are somehow opposed. I have also come to believe all things in life are in alignment to the simplest laws of nature. Light is source of all life on this planet, and so, in my mind, in a spiritual sense at least, everything must somehow parallel the laws of energy. Let me give you an example. I have come to think that if the Bible is true, then its stories, histories, and parables must be shown to be in alignment with the same laws as energy. Take the Second Law of Thermodynamics which basically says that in a closed system differences in temperature, pressure, or density tend to level out over time resulting in ever increasing chaos or entropy. I think it was Carl Jung who explained the same thing in psychological terms with the energy coming from our drives and motives eventually weaken and cause our psychic systems to break down leaving us in a troubled and disorganized state. Jung goes on to explain that in order to restore order to our psychic system an external source of energy (drive) must be discovered and utilized. I think that this is the situation outlined in the book of Genesis. It explains why the Tree of Life and the Snake are in the Garden in the first place. The story of Cain and Abel contains the same idea. It is the first mention of the casting out from paradise that eventually culminates in Jesus's Parable of the Prodigal Son. If Cain had not of been cast out, the level of energy within the Garden would have leveled out, and the Garden would have eventually fell into ruin and chaos. Some will argue that the Garden is perfect and therefore would remain perfect for eternity. Eternal stasis does seem all that perfect to me besides why else would the snake and the forbidden fruit be there? It was only the return of the Prodigal Son that proved to be the external source of energy that ends up restoring God's kingdom to its glory. The reason why the motif is repeated references the fact that this is the eternally ongoing cycle of life. In other words, the author of the Bible encoded the Second Law of Thermodynamics into the text. Jordan Peterson refers to this as the necessity of having an element of randomness involved in creation. He points out the the two tiny dots on each of the Yin and Yang symbols is how Hinduism makes the same case, randomness as a necessity of creation. I've written extensively about how crossroads contain the same hidden message as the Christian holy trinity. In ancient Greece, the same concepts were painted onto walls and vases in the form of the Gods Apollo and Dionysius with Hermes the messenger between them. Apollo is the God of manifested energy, lines and angles. math, and consciousness with Dionysius being the God of poetry, wine, drunkenness, creativity, and the subconscious. Hermes is the messenger who goes between the two making it possible for them to interact. The way the human brain is structured conveys the same message. With the Left brain being the analyst and the Right brain the big thinker. The corpus callosum, a thick band of nerve fibers located between the two lobes provides the connection that allows both to communicate with each other. Problems arise when the Left Brain, lies, cheats, steals and ruthlessly tries to usurp the role of the Right brain. This explains our current political crisis. We have no middle. Actually we do, but the media has shirked its responsibilities to be both honest and fair and therefore provide a meeting ground where ideas and beliefs can mingle, fall in love, and create new ideas that will help us to move into the future with confidence. Ian McGilchrist, in his brilliant book The Master and His Emissary offers up a warning about such a state of affairs. Although both of our lobes can operate independently of each other, when the Left brain comes to dominate, the waters of the subconsciousness provided by the Right brain's big picture type of thinking dry up creating a drought and a desert landscape that can not explain its own lack of purpose or meaning. I'm pretty sure this message is hidden in the Bible somewhere too. I know that it is one of main themes of Sophocles's Oedipus Rex where beneficial order is restored only after Oedipus blinds himself and is forced to look within for answers. Of all the interfaces in life, and there are many, the greatest would seem to be that between the material world and our subconscious thoughts. I think that this one is closely followed by the ability of women to bring forth life from the void via their bodies. On the other side is the universal history of all life, and the woman serves as a portal into the here, the now, and the future. It's an amazing thing to contemplate. In all the commotion being created by the media's reportage of the war of the sexes, the understanding of women as being a special, sacred portal between the world of nonexistence and existence is being treated as being somewhat unimportant when it is actually of the greatest importance. Males cannot bring forth children from their own bodies the way females can. Their role is important to the process, but, nevertheless, women and motherhood should occupy the greatest place of honor in our society. But that is not how it is being taught anymore. Many women are so consumed by their socially constructed hatred for men and the commensurate desire to compete with men and to occupy positions of power that many are forgetting that they are at the center of the greatest mystery in all creation. A society that uses sex to sell us things has created a culture of death amongst the living. A society that hides sex in a dark closet is no less complicit in the creation of evil and false notions than a society that glorifies sex as the Big Thrill. There needs to be a middle ground in order to prevent the creation of what we have today where an entire political movement advocates for the disposing of human life as if it's little more than a used tissue paper while the other side tries to argue that sex is only a necessary evil. I understand that there are many women who have devalued themselves, or have been devalued by the men in their lives, to the point that they are not prepared to have babies. It seems to me that this is the question which needs to be addressed to rectify the problem that we have created. Sex has two purposes, one the perpetuation of life on earth and the other to give pleasure. The latter was always supposed to be in service of the first, but we so thoroughly enjoyed the one that we have foolishly given it dominance over the real priority. and in doing so we have devalued human life to the point that we actually have some very sinister figures who advocate that creation would be better off without mankind. Abortion is a serious problem that needs a serious discussion. The absence of the corpus callosum will guarantee that such a discussion will never take place. Both sides of the argument could agree that we need to educate young ladies about the uniqueness of their gender, to teach them to value themselves in accordance to their true worth, as well as to help them achieve a greater voice in the governance and running of society. But this will also need to include an education that informs them that the act of sex is the greatest mystery of all and not something that should be engaged in just because we are feeling bored or restless. Doing so causes us to treat the act as if it isn't any different as eating pizza, eating multiple candy bars, or doing drugs and getting wasted wherein the end product becomes no different than a pizza box, candy wrappers, or a pile of crushed beer cans, things that need to be properly disposed of in waste receptacles. I'm not real sure where a world without the mitigating influence of Hermes might lead, but if it's a world that treats the great mysteries life as if they are unimportant, or a world that denies both meaning and purpose to our sojourn, or a world that refuses to recognize the bitter irony of a statement that so emphatically states that an embryo is not a life (if so why must we terminate its existence?) or a world that continues to legally justify taking scissors to the unborn, it probably won't be all that wonderful. |
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